Regional Calendar
This is a master calendar of events of significant career exploration and teacher training opportunities at each high school within Minnesota’s Region 5 (Crow Wing, Cass, Morrison, Todd and Wadena Counties). Search for testing dates, teacher trainings, and more, or use the keyword feature to search for activities at a specific school (ie: Brainerd High School). If you have questions, please contact Bart Graves at Sourcewell.
Sourcewell Workforce Conference
Sourcewell Workforce Conference
November 8, 2019
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM CST
Event Description:
Workforce Conference seeks to bring Businesses together with Schools to form partnerships. We will provide examples of exemplary programs, ideas, and support to help build connections. Schools are asked to bring business partners with them to learn and to make plans together. Featuring breakout sessions for business, manufacturing, healthcare, construction and others.